Product Details
Of elegant form specific to London Maker, John Prosser who was noted for producing the finest quality swords and was, in 1799, appointed Sword Cutler to the King and Royal Family. The hilt with a roped motif favored by Prosser applied to the knuckle bow, quillon, pommel, and base ferrule of the spirally fluted horn grip. The 30” curved blade with raised false edge, of undulating pattern Damascus steel. The edges and center with blued edge gild bands terminating in swirls at the ricasso. The left side inscribed Presented to Major Campbell by the Officers of the 2nd Battalion LXIInd Regiment, as a Mark of Respect for the Many Virtues that adorn his character as an Officer and a Gentleman. Black leather covered wood scabbard with fire gilt mounts matching the hilt. Each with roped motifs and terminals matching the langets. The locket with Prosser Charring Cross London. Roped motif suspension rings. A few smooth dark spots on the blade. The scabbard leather with minor blemishes. The beautiful hilt and mounts crisply chased with the fire gilt virtually complete and bright. This sword was the centerpiece of the Revolutionary War through the Napoleonic Period collection from which the many fine smallswords which we have offered over the last 5 years came. The finest English sword we have sold in 55 years.